Geography of Odisha

Detailed Notes for Odisha Geography

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Geography of Orrisa plays a crucial role in not

only Orrisa PSC Prelims Exam but even OPSC Mains Exam. Orrisa Geography Notes are designed by OPSC Toppers and other civil servants. Detail Notes can be browsed at the following links.


FAQs on Geography of Odisha

What are the main physiographic divisions of Odisha?

Odisha can be divided into five main physiographic divisions:

  • Northern Plateau: A part of the Chotanagpur Plateau, characterized by rolling hills and valleys.
  • Central Tableland: A relatively flat region with occasional hills and ridges.
  • Eastern Ghats: A range of hills running along the eastern coast.
  • Coastal Plains: A narrow strip of land along the Bay of Bengal.
  • River Valleys: The floodplains of the Mahanadi, Brahmani, and Baitarani rivers.

 What are the major rivers in Odisha?

The major rivers in Odisha are:

  • Mahanadi: The longest river in the state, known for its fertile delta and Hirakud Dam.
  • Brahmani: A major tributary of the Mahanadi.
  • Baitarani: Another major tributary of the Mahanadi.
  • Subarnarekha: Flows along the border of Odisha and Jharkhand.
  • Rushikulya: A coastal river known for its scenic beauty.

 What are the main types of soil found in Odisha?

The main types of soil found in Odisha are:

  • Red soil: Covers most of the state, suitable for cultivation of crops like rice, pulses, and oilseeds.
  • Laterite soil: Found in the hilly regions, suitable for plantation crops like cashew and rubber.
  • Alluvial soil: Found in the river valleys, highly fertile and suitable for rice cultivation.
  • Sandy soil: Found in the coastal areas, suitable for coconut and cashew cultivation.

What are the main natural resources of Odisha?

Odisha is rich in natural resources, including:

  • Minerals: Iron ore, bauxite, coal, chromite, manganese ore, and limestone.
  • Forests: Sal, teak, bamboo, and sandalwood.
  • Water resources: Rivers, lakes, and reservoirs.
  • Marine resources: Fish, prawns, and crabs.

What are the main environmental issues facing Odisha?

The main environmental issues facing Odisha are:

  • Cyclones and floods: Odisha is prone to frequent cyclones and floods, which cause extensive damage to life and property.
  • Deforestation: Illegal logging and mining activities have led to a decrease in forest cover.
  • Industrial pollution: Industries like steel and aluminum contribute to air and water pollution.
  • Coastal erosion: The coastline of Odisha is facing severe erosion due to various natural and human-induced factors.

What are the major wildlife sanctuaries and national parks in Odisha?

Odisha is home to several wildlife sanctuaries and national parks, including:

  • Bhitarkanika National Park: Known for its mangrove forests and saltwater crocodiles.
  • Simlipal National Park: A tiger reserve and a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.
  • Chilika Lake: The largest brackish water lagoon in Asia and a Ramsar site.


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