Odisha Human Development Index

Odisha Human Development Index Human development is a process of enlarging people’s choices. But human development is also the objective, so it is both a process and an outcome. Human development implies that people must influence the processes that shape their lives. In all this, economic growth is an important means to human development, but not … Read more Odisha Human Development Index

Odisha Planned Development

Odisha Planned Development Planning is an important step for the synchronized development of anything  and in relation to the state it plays an important for the equal growth and development of an area so that there will be no regional inequality and provide equal opportunities to all the people. Odisha state government knows the importance … Read more Odisha Planned Development

Odisha Schemes and Projects

Odisha Schemes and Projects Schemes for development of women and child Sampoorna Scheme Odisha state government has launched SAMPURNA (Sishu Abond Matru Mrityuhara Purna Nirakaran Abhijan) Scheme to provide financial assistance for pregnant women of the state. Objective :-The objective of SAMPURNA scheme is to bring down the death rate of the new born Child … Read more Odisha Schemes and Projects

Odisha Trade and Commerce

Odisha  Trade and Commerce Odisha is located in the eastern region of India. The state shares its borders with West Bengal on the north-east, Jharkhand on the north, Andhra Pradesh on the south, Chhattisgarh on the west, and the Bay of Bengal on the east. The state’s economy witnessed high growth rates between 2004-05 and … Read more Odisha Trade and Commerce

Irrigation and Hydropower of Odisha

Irrigation and Hydropower of Odisha   Irrigation Irrigation assumes a noteworthy part in destitution diminishment and financial development. State Government is giving high need to Irrigation Development. The state has a developed place that is known for 61.80 lakh hectares. It has been surveyed that 49.90 lakh hectares can be brought under water system scope … Read more Irrigation and Hydropower of Odisha

Animal Husbandry in Odisha

Animal Husbandry in Odisha Animal husbandry has tremendous potential for employment generation .Dairy farming. sheep farming, goat farming, poultry farming & pig farming   provide excellent opportunity for self employment. This sector has great role to play in poverty reduction and employment generation. Livestock products account for more than 20 % of the total value of … Read more Animal Husbandry in Odisha

Wild life and Ecotourism of Odisha

Wild life and Ecotourism of Odisha Wildlife of Odisha The fauna of the region includes Deer, Sambar, Black Panthers, Tiger, Leopard, Elephant, Hyena, Wildboar, Bear, Porcupine, Reptiles, Blackbuck, Monkey, Squirrel, Jungle Cat, Hyena, Jackel, Karanja Lizards, Chameleon and Mangoose. Eighteen Sanctuaries, a National Park and one proposed Tiger conservational Park constitute the Protected Area network of Odisha … Read more Wild life and Ecotourism of Odisha

Climate of Odisha

Climate of Odisha Geograraphical and Regional Situation (Physiography) of Odisha  Odisha is a state on the eastern seaboard of India, located between 170 degree 49’ and 220 degree 36’ North latitudes and between 810 36’ and 870 18’ East longitudes.  It spreads over an area of 1,55,707 sq km. and is largely divided … Read more Climate of Odisha

Natural hazards and other related aspects of Odisha

Natural hazards and other related aspects of Odisha  Orissa is vulnerable to multiple disasters. Owing to its sub-tropical littoral location, the state is prone to tropical cyclones, storm surges and tsunamis.  Its densely populated coastal plains are the alluvial deposits of its river systems.  The rivers in Coastal areas with heavy load … Read more Natural hazards and other related aspects of Odisha

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