Rivers and Drainage system of Odisha

Rivers and Drainage system of Odisha Following is the list of  important rivers of Odisha: Mahanadi Brahmani Baitarani Subarnarekha Budhabalanga Rushikulya Bahuda vamsadhara Nagavali Salandi Indirabati Kolab   Baitarani River  The Baitarani is one of the important east flowing rivers of peninsular India, flowing eastward and joining the Bay of Bengal. The river rises in … Read more Rivers and Drainage system of Odisha

Industrial Developement of Odisha

Industrial Developement of Odisha:- Orissa is endowed with vast resources of a variety of minerals and occupies a prominent place in the country as a mineral rich State. Abundant reserves of high-grade Iron ore, Bauxite, Chromite, Manganese ore along with other minerals such as Coal, Limestone, Dolomite, Tin, Nickel, Vanadium, Lead, Graphite, Gold, Gemstone, Diamond, … Read more Industrial Developement of Odisha

Minerals of Odisha

Minerals of Odisha Odisha topped among all the states as it contributed above 10% to total mineral production in the country. The value of principal minerals produced remained at Rs. 22567.67 crore, an increase of 31.64% over the previous year period. The value of minor minerals remained Rs. 85.68 crores. Coal, bauxite, chromite, iron & … Read more Minerals of Odisha

Wild life and Ecotourism of Odisha

Wild life and Ecotourism of Odisha Wildlife of Odisha The fauna of the region includes Deer, Sambar, Black Panthers, Tiger, Leopard, Elephant, Hyena, Wildboar, Bear, Porcupine, Reptiles, Blackbuck, Monkey, Squirrel, Jungle Cat, Hyena, Jackel, Karanja Lizards, Chameleon and Mangoose. Eighteen Sanctuaries, a National Park and one proposed Tiger conservational Park constitute the Protected Area network of Odisha … Read more Wild life and Ecotourism of Odisha

Soils of Odisha

Soils of Odisha Soil is the top layer of the earth’s surface in which plants can grow and develop, consisting of rock and mineral particles mixed with decayed organic matter and having the capability of retaining water. Soil Profile The soil profile is defined as a vertical section of the soil that is exposed by … Read more Soils of Odisha

Vegetation of Odisha

Vegetation of Odisha Orissa, owing to its peculiar geographical location and wide range of physical features, embraces a diversified floristic composition and consequently a vast economic potential. The extensive range of hilly forests, several lofty peaks, long stretch of coast line, excellent river rain system, brackish waters and coastal plains altogether have gifted the state … Read more Vegetation of Odisha

Climate of Odisha

Climate of Odisha Geograraphical and Regional Situation (Physiography) of Odisha  Odisha is a state on the eastern seaboard of India, located between 170 degree 49’ and 220 degree 36’ North latitudes and between 810 36’ and 870 18’ East longitudes.  It spreads over an area of 1,55,707 sq km. and is largely divided … Read more Climate of Odisha

Natural hazards and other related aspects of Odisha

Natural hazards and other related aspects of Odisha  Orissa is vulnerable to multiple disasters. Owing to its sub-tropical littoral location, the state is prone to tropical cyclones, storm surges and tsunamis.  Its densely populated coastal plains are the alluvial deposits of its river systems.  The rivers in Coastal areas with heavy load … Read more Natural hazards and other related aspects of Odisha

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