Geographical location of Odisha

Geographical location of Odisha:- Introduction:- The state of Orissa is situated between the geographical coordinates of 81.27’E and 87.29’East longitude and 17.49’N and 22.34’North latitude. The state occupies a total area of 155,707 square kilometers. It is bound on the east by the 450 kilometer coastline of the Bay of Bengal. In the south, the … Read more Geographical location of Odisha

Odisha Planned Development

Odisha Planned Development Planning is an important step for the synchronized development of anything  and in relation to the state it plays an important for the equal growth and development of an area so that there will be no regional inequality and provide equal opportunities to all the people. Odisha state government knows the importance … Read more Odisha Planned Development

Painting of Odisha

Paintings of odisha The history of painting in Odisha dated back to ancient times with rock-shelter paintings, some which are dated to the early historic period (300BC-100AD). Apart from the rock painting sites there are several drawings and etching resembling figures on rock surfaces at Digapahandi and Berhampur in Ganjam district and other places. Many … Read more Painting of Odisha

Art Forms of Odisha

ART  FORMS OF ODISHA Odisha has a rich cultural and artistic heritage. Due to the reign of many different rulers in the past, arts and crafts in Odisha underwent many changes giving an artistic diversity today in the forms of traditional handicrafts, painting and carving, dance and music. Sand art In Odisha ,a unique type … Read more Art Forms of Odisha

Natural and power resoures of Orrisa

Characteristic and Power assets of Odisha   Characteristic Resources of Odisha:   Assets in Odishacan be separated into following four classes:   a) Minerals, b) Forest, c) Water and d) Land Resources   Odisha has a lot of a wide range of common assets like minerals, backwoods, water and land. We will talk about all … Read more Natural and power resoures of Orrisa

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