Fair and festivals of odisha

Fair and festivals of odisha With numerous religions, ancient temples, local shrines, tribes and an array of sacred places, Odisha (Orissa) observes uncountable number of festivals and fairs round the year. Major Odisha(Orissa) Festivals of Odisha is Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra Subscribe on YouTube and Durga Pooja. Three different religions flourished on the holy land … Read more Fair and festivals of odisha

Art Forms of Odisha

ART  FORMS OF ODISHA Odisha has a rich cultural and artistic heritage. Due to the reign of many different rulers in the past, arts and crafts in Odisha underwent many changes giving an artistic diversity today in the forms of traditional handicrafts, painting and carving, dance and music. Sand art In Odisha ,a unique type … Read more Art Forms of Odisha

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