Geographical location of Odisha

Geographical location of Odisha:- Introduction:- The state of Orissa is situated between the geographical coordinates of 81.27’E and 87.29’East longitude and 17.49’N and 22.34’North latitude. The state occupies a total area of 155,707 square kilometers. It is bound on the east by the 450 kilometer coastline of the Bay of Bengal. In the south, the … Read more Geographical location of Odisha

Rivers and Drainage system of Odisha

Rivers and Drainage system of Odisha Following is the list of  important rivers of Odisha: Mahanadi Brahmani Baitarani Subarnarekha Budhabalanga Rushikulya Bahuda vamsadhara Nagavali Salandi Indirabati Kolab   Baitarani River  The Baitarani is one of the important east flowing rivers of peninsular India, flowing eastward and joining the Bay of Bengal. The river rises in … Read more Rivers and Drainage system of Odisha

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