DMPQ- . Discuss the origin and main features of free standing temple architecture in India.

. The temple building activities that began during the Gupta rule continued to flourish in later periods. In southern India the Pallavas, Cholas, Pandyas, Hoyshalas and later the rulers of the Vijaynagar kingdom were great builders of temples. The Pallava rulers built the shore temple at Mahabalipuram. Pallavas also built other structural temples like Kailashnath … Read more DMPQ- . Discuss the origin and main features of free standing temple architecture in India.

History of Odisha from Vedic age to Gupta Period

History of Odisha The history of state of Odisha (formerly Orissa) is very old. In different periods it bore names like Kalinga, Utkala, etc. The names signified different territorial extent ruled by different dynasties of rulers at different periods. Each of these comprised large parts of present Odisha but also included areas forming parts of … Read more History of Odisha from Vedic age to Gupta Period

Painting of Odisha

Paintings of odisha The history of painting in Odisha dated back to ancient times with rock-shelter paintings, some which are dated to the early historic period (300BC-100AD). Apart from the rock painting sites there are several drawings and etching resembling figures on rock surfaces at Digapahandi and Berhampur in Ganjam district and other places. Many … Read more Painting of Odisha

Art Forms of Odisha

ART  FORMS OF ODISHA Odisha has a rich cultural and artistic heritage. Due to the reign of many different rulers in the past, arts and crafts in Odisha underwent many changes giving an artistic diversity today in the forms of traditional handicrafts, painting and carving, dance and music. Sand art In Odisha ,a unique type … Read more Art Forms of Odisha

Major Cities and Tourist Places of Odisha

Major Cities and Tourist Places of Odisha   Tourist Places of Odisha Jagannath Temple   Category : Religious The Jagannath Temple, Puri is one of the most renowned places of interest that are situated in the town of Puri. There are a number of temples in the town, which form one of the major attractions … Read more Major Cities and Tourist Places of Odisha

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