Prelims Test Series


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OPSC Micro Prelims Test Series 2020

₹ 399


10 Mock Tests

2  Free Trial Mock Tests

Based on Updated Pattern

All India Ranks and Detailed Analysis

Medium of Tests- English

Attempt at your ease- Pass valid till next prelims exam

₹ 1299


50 Mock Tests

2 Free Trial Mock Tests

Based on Updated Pattern

All India Ranks and Detailed Analysis

Medium of Tests- English

Attempt at your ease- Pass valid till next prelims exam

Best Seller!

OPSC Mini Prelims Test Series 2020

₹ 799


24 Mock Tests

2 Free Trial Mock Tests

Based on Updated Pattern

All India Ranks and Detailed Analysis

Medium of Tests- English

Attempt at your ease- Pass valid till next prelims exam

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The price of the program is just 2309 and will include the detailed notes and 24 comprehensive tests for Orrisa PSC Preparation.

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Program will include following notes modules:-

  1. Crack OPSC Prelims Module 1- Indian History
  2. Crack OPSC Prelims Module 2- Orrisa Culture and History
  3. Crack OPSC Prelims Module 3- General Science
  4. Crack OPSC Prelims Module 4- Aptitude and Reasoning
  5. Crack OPSC Prelims Module 5- Indian Economy
  6. Crack OPSC Prelims Module 6-Orrisa Economy
  7. Crack OPSC Prelims Module 7 -Environment
  8. Crack OPSC Prelims Module 8- Polity
  9. Crack OPSC Prelims Module 9- Orrisa Polity ,Governance and Schemes
  10. Crack OPSC Prelims Module 10- : Geography
  11. Crack OPSC Prelims Module 11-Orrisa Geography
  12. Crack OPSC Prelims Module 12 Current Affairs

           Detailed Schedule

Test 1History, Art, Culture, Literature, Tradition & Heritage of OdishaAttempt Demo (10 ques)
Test 2Indian History-Ancient PeriodAttempt Demo (10 ques)
Test 3Indian History-Medieval PeriodAttempt Demo (10 ques)
Test 4Indian History-Modern PeriodAttempt Demo (10 ques)
Test 5World GeographyAttempt Demo (10 ques)
Test 6Geography of IndiaAttempt Demo (10 ques)
Test 7Geography of OdishaAttempt Demo (10 ques)
Test 8Indian Constitution, Political System &GovernanceAttempt Demo (10 ques)
Test 9Economic Concepts and Indian EconomyAttempt Demo (10 ques)
Test 10Economy of OdishaAttempt Demo (10 ques)
Test 11Science & TechnologyAttempt Demo (10 ques)
Test 12Reasoning & Mental AbilityAttempt Demo (10 ques)
Test 13Current AffairsAttempt Demo (10 ques)
Test 14EnvironmentAttempt Demo (10 ques)
Test 15Complete SyllabusAttempt Demo (10 ques)
Test 16Complete SyllabusAttempt Demo (10 ques)
Test 17Complete SyllabusAttempt Demo (10 ques)
Test 18Complete SyllabusAttempt Demo (10 ques)
Test 19Complete SyllabusAttempt Demo (10 ques)
Test 20Complete SyllabusAttempt Demo (10 ques)
Test 21Complete SyllabusAttempt Demo (10 ques)
Test 22Complete SyllabusAttempt Demo (10 ques)
Test 23Complete SyllabusAttempt Demo (10 ques)
Test 24Complete SyllabusAttempt Demo (10 ques)


FAQs on Prelims Test Series of Odisha

What is an OCS Prelims Test Series?

An OCS Prelims Test Series is a set of mock exams designed to simulate the actual Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC) Civil Services Preliminary Examination. These test series aim to help aspirants assess their preparation level, familiarize themselves with the exam pattern, and improve their time management skills.

Why should I join an OCS Prelims

Test Series?

  • Realistic Exam Simulation: Simulates the actual exam environment, reducing anxiety and improving performance on exam day.
  • Performance Assessment: Helps you track your progress, identify strengths and weaknesses, and focus on areas that need more attention.
  • Time Management: Practice answering questions within the time limit, a crucial skill for the actual exam.
  • Exam Pattern Familiarity: Get acquainted with the types of questions asked and the overall exam structure.
  • Revision and Learning: Analyze your mistakes, revise concepts, and learn new things from detailed explanations provided with each test.

How many tests are included in a typical OCS Prelims Test Series?

The number of tests varies depending on the provider. Some test series offer 10-15 tests, while others provide 20 or more. Choose a series that aligns with your preparation schedule and allows you to attempt all tests before the actual exam.

What subjects are covered in the OCS Prelims Test Series?

The test series covers all the subjects included in the OPSC OCS Prelims syllabus, such as:

  • General Studies Paper-I (History, Geography, Polity, Economy, Environment, Science and Technology, Current Affairs)
  • General Studies Paper-II (CSAT – Comprehension, Logical Reasoning, Analytical Ability, Decision Making, Problem-Solving, Basic Numeracy, Data Interpretation, English Language Comprehension skills)

How can I access the OCS Prelims Test Series?

Most test series are available online. You can register on the provider’s website or app and access the tests. Some providers also offer offline test series, where you can attempt the tests at their designated centers.

How much does an OCS Prelims Test Series cost?

The cost varies depending on the provider and the number of tests included. Some test series are available for free, while others may cost a few thousand rupees. Choose a test series that fits your budget and provides good value for money.

How do I choose the right OCS Prelims Test Series for me?

Consider the following factors:

  • Number of tests included.
  • Syllabus coverage.
  • Quality of questions and explanations.
  • Price.
  • Reviews and ratings from other users.
  • Availability of additional features, such as performance analysis, doubt clearing sessions, etc.


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