- Odisha ropes in industries to improve sports infrastructure
- To give an additional impetus to the development of sports infrastructure in Odisha, the state government signed MoUs with seven leading industrial houses of the country.
- The signing of the MoUs has created a long-lasting partnership which will result in producing sportspersons of world standards. But this partnership is more than just giving grants and funds, it will focus on extending the outreach of every sport in India.
· found a ‘cold super-Earth’
- The planet for Barnard’s star– 2nd closest star system to our sun – appears to be a cold super-Earth.
- The planet has been labeled Barnard’s Star b (GJ 699 b).
- It orbits its red star every 233 daysnear the snow-line, a distance where water freezes.
- Barnard’s star is six light-yearsaway from earth.
- India International Cherry Blossom festival
- India International Cherry Blossom festival is scheduled to be held from November 14 to 17 in Shillong, Meghalaya.
- This festival is the world’s only autumn cherry blossom festival. The festival is organised by Government of Meghalaya’s Forest & Environment Department as well as by the Institute of Bioresources & Sustainable Development in collaboration with Indian Council for Cultural Relations.
- The aim of the festival is to celebrate the unique autumn flowering of Himalayan Cherry Blossoms. The Cherry Blossom tree flowers only for a short period in a year. The festival will showcase full pink and white cherry blossoms found all along the roadside of the famous Ward Lake. Alongside, the festival will also showcase the region’s food, wine and crafts in addition with several cultural events.
· China builds an ‘Artificial Sun’ 6 times hotter than Sun’s core
- Scientists at a Chinese institute announced that their nuclear fusion reactor dubbed ‘artificial sun’ reached 100 million°C, the temperature required to carry out fusion on Earth.
- The record-high temperature is six timesthe temperature of Sun’s core of 15 million°C.
- The reactor is designed to mimic processes occurring at the Sun to turn hydrogen into cost-effective clean energy.
- Australia takes India to WTO over sugar subsidies
- Australia taking legal action against India, the world’s second-largest sugarproducer, at the WTO over subsidies which has caused a “significant downturn” in world sugar prices and hurt Australian producers.
- Australia alleges that the subsidies, which have seen Indian sugar production leap from an average 20 million tons to 35 million tonnes this year, far exceed the level of farmer assistance permitted under WTO rules.
- Australia is the third largest exporter of sugar.
· World Bank provides US$155.7 million to Nepal
- The World Bank is providing US$155.7 millionin loan and grant to Nepal to build and maintain bridges, and improve food security of vulnerable households and communities.
- Two Agreementsto these effects were signed between the Washington, DC-based multilateral financial institution and the government of Nepal in Kathmandu.
- The first credit will finance the US$133 millionSecond Bridges Improvement and Maintenance Program targeting approximately 477 bridges along Nepal’s Strategic Roads Network.
- Under the second agreement, the multi-donor Global Agriculture and Food Security Program(GAFSP) will provide a US$22.7 million grant to support the Food and Nutrition Security Enhancement Project.
· Indias first elephant hospital opens in Mathura
- India’s first specialised hospital for elephants was inaugurated by Agra Divisional Commissioner Anil Kumarin Uttar Pradesh’s Mathuradistrict – Churmura village.
- It offers laser therapy, hydrotherapy, quarantine facilities and has a medical hoist to lift elephants.
- It also has an observation deck that allows veterinary students and interns to observe elephants’ behaviour.
- India’s elephant population fell to 27,312 in 2017 from 29,391-30,711 in 2012, government data shows.
- Hundreds of elephants across India, which accounts for more than half of Asia’s elephant 6.3-42 24.9-48.3 48.6-11.4 42.9-11.4 132.3-11.4 132.3s0 89.4 11.4 132.3c6.3 23.7 24.8 41.5 48.3 47.8C117.2 448 288 448 288 448s170.8 0 213.4-11.5c23.5-6.3 42-24.2 48.3-47.8 11.4-42.9 11.4-132.3 11.4-132.3s0-89.4-11.4-132.3zm-317.5 213.5V175.2l142.7 81.2-142.7 81.2z"/> Subscribe on YouTube