09-02-23 Daily-Odisha-OPSC Current Affairs

Odisha Affairs

TheOdishagovernment has decided to take up the matter of mother tongue education in Odia schools inJharkhandwith the Hemant Soren government after a February 6 TOI report of Odisha schools in Jharkhand shifting to Hindi medium.

Emphasising Education in mother tongue, Das said, Article 350 (b) of the Constitution provides safeguards for the linguistic minorities in India. The New Education Policy 2020 echoing the ethos ofSamagra Sikshyaalso encourages state governments to ensure that wherever possible, students should be taught in their mother tongue/regional language/local language.

Odia-speaking people

in Jharkhand under the aegis of Odisha Bhasha Vichar Mancha a civil Society group has been demanding revival of Odia-language schools in the state.

Odia schools in Jharkhand have been facing several issues such as after the retirement of teachers posted in Odia-medium schools, the state education department started appointing Hindi-speaking teachers in those schools, and the did not publish Odia books though the NCERT has given copyright to the Jharkhand government. The education department

has started merging Odia-medium schools with Hindi-medium ones in regions with substantial groups of Odia-speaking communities. The recent decision of the National Council of Teachers Education (NCTE) to exclude Odia from the primary teachers training programme in the state has added to the woes of Odia people in Jharkhand.

The Odia language, literature and culture department of the Odisha government tweeted, The department has requested the school and mass education department to provide necessary Odia textbooks and take necessary steps for filling up vacant teachers posts.

National and International Affairs

Indias accreditation system ranked 5th globally; overall quality infrastructure system in Top 10

Indias national accreditation system under the Quality Council of India (QCI) has been ranked 5thin the world in the recent Global Quality Index (GQII) 2021. The GQII ranks the 184 economies in the world on the basis of the quality infrastructure (QI). Indias overall QI system

ranking continues to be in the Top 10 at the 10thposition, with the standardization system (under Bis) at 9thand the metrology system (under NPL-CSIR) at 21stposition in the world.

QI is the technical backbone for international trade, with metrology, standardization, accreditation and conformity assessment Services providing reliability and trust between trading partners.In India, the National Physical Laboratory under the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (NPL-CSIR) is the national metrology institute, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the national

standards body and the constituent national accreditation boards under Quality Council of India support are the custodians of the national accreditation system.

The GQII measures the relative development of countries QI. A formula calculates a score for each country based on its position in the sub-rankings for metrology, standards and accreditation.Geographically, the top 25 QI systems are mainly located in Europe, North America, and Asia-Pacific, with some exceptions, such as India (10th), Brazil (13th), Australia (14th), Turkey (16th), Mexico (18th) and South Africa (20th).

Six Greenfield airports have been operationalised since 2019

Government of India has formulated a Greenfield (GFA) Policy, 2008 which provides detailed guidelines, procedures and steps related to construction of Greenfield airports across the country. Under the GFA Policy,

the project proponent- an airport developer or the respective State Government willing to establish a Greenfield airport is required to send a proposal to the Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA) in the prescribed format for 2-stage approval process i.e., ‘Site Clearance’ followed by ‘In-Principle’ approval.

Since 2019, 6 Greenfield airports namely, Kalaburagi (project cost Rs. 175.57 crore), Orvakal (Kurnool) (project cost Rs. 187 crore), Sindhudurg (project cost Rs. 520

crore), Itanagar (project cost Rs. 646 crore)Kushinagar (project cost Rs. 448 crore) and Mopa (project cost Rs.2870 crore) have been operationalised, out of which Kushinagar and Mopa airports are International airports.

No construction in core areas of tiger reserves, national parks: Supreme Court

TheSupreme Court banned all construction activities in thecore areasoftiger reserves,national parksand wildlife sanctuaries after it was brought to its notice by a court-appointed panel that illegal constructions for establishment of a tiger safari was being done within in the buffer area of theCorbett Tiger


The MoEF&CC to review norms issued under Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 and Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 relating to setting up of zoos and safaris within and wildlife sanctuaries and amend the same so as to discourage use of wildlife habitat for wildlife tourism activities which are non-site specific.

India & EU to Create 3 Working Groups under Trade & Technology Council to boost ties

India and the European Union (EU) announced the formation of three working groups under the Trade and Technology Council that was set up to deepen strategic ties with the trade bloc. India and EU had in April last year agreed to establish a TradeandTechnologyCouncil, to tackle the challenges at the nexus of trade, trustedtechnologyand security. Such a council is the first for India with any of its partners and second for the EU, following the first one it has set up

with the United States (US).

The working Groups will now start preparing for the first meeting of the council, which will take place before the next EU-IndiaSummit in spring of 2023. Ministerial meetings of the council will take place at least once a year, with the venue alternating between the EU andIndia.

UAE and India discussing settling non-oil trade in Rupees

The United Arab Emirates is in early discussions with India to trade non-oil commodities in Indian rupees, Minister for Dr Thani Al Zeyoudi said in World Economic Forum, Davos. The minister said other countries, including China, had also raised the issue of settling non-oil trade payments in local currencies. He added that the UAE is hoping to conclude a trade agreement with Cambodia in the first quarter.

The move would build on an agreement signed in 2022, which aimed to increase trade excluding oil between the two countries to $100 billion by 2027. Trading in Indias currency would also signal a stark move away from

the US dollar, which dominates global commodities markets as well as trade for countries along the Persian Gulf.

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