DMPQ:National Programme for Health Care of the Elderly(NPHCE)

Keeping in view the recommendations made in the “National Policy on Older Persons” as well as the state’s obligation under the Maintenance & Welfare of Parents & Senior Citizens Act 2007”, The MoHFW launched the NPHCE during the year 2010-11, in the 11th plan period, to address various health related problems of elderly people. The Join … Read more DMPQ:National Programme for Health Care of the Elderly(NPHCE)

DMPQ: What is a social problem? Discuss the major social problems faced by India? (Scoiology)

Social problem is a condition which is defined by a considerable number of persons as a deviation from some social norms which they cherish. The major social problems in the early phase of the Indian civilization were increasing rigidity of social hierarchy, continuous conflicts between the Aryans and the Dasas, emphasis on the observance of … Read more DMPQ: What is a social problem? Discuss the major social problems faced by India? (Scoiology)

DMPQ: Do you think untouchability is still rampant in India? (sociology)

Untouchability is prevalent in our society since ages. It is a product of the caste based society. Untouchability is prohibited and practicing untouchability is prohibited under article 18 of the constitution. Evenafter strong laws untouchability is still rampant. Inter-caste marriage is still below 5% which indicates non mingling of dominant caste and Dalits. New form … Read more DMPQ: Do you think untouchability is still rampant in India? (sociology)

DMPQ: Discuss the Rina tradition of India and explain briefly various types of Rina. (Indian sociology)

In Hinduism, everybody is born with certain social debts which must repaid during lifetime and usually  in Grihastha Stage. It is a kind of social debt. The relevance of Rina tradition lies in the fact that if Rina are paid according to Dharma one is eligible for moksha. There are following types of Rina are … Read more DMPQ: Discuss the Rina tradition of India and explain briefly various types of Rina. (Indian sociology)

DMPQ: Discuss the significance of ashram vyavastha. (Sociology)

Significance of varnashrama in the past: Significance of Brahmacharya Ashram: To illuminate one’s mind. That’s why role of guru is important. Education and process of learning became organized in the absence of organized learning. Significance of Grihastha Ashram: Ensuring continuity of society through marriage, family, kinship institutions etc. Significance of Vanaprastha Ashram: This stage helps … Read more DMPQ: Discuss the significance of ashram vyavastha. (Sociology)

DMPQ: Why student suicide is increasing at a rapid rate in the recent past? ( SOCIOLOGY)

According to the National Crime Records Bureau, between 2014 and 2016, 26,476 students committed suicide in India. Of them, 7,462 committed suicide due to failure in various examinations.  According to the sociologist Emile Durkheim had famously hypothesised that suicides are a result of not just psychological or emotional factors but social factors as well. Subscribe … Read more DMPQ: Why student suicide is increasing at a rapid rate in the recent past? ( SOCIOLOGY)

DMPQ: What is secularism? How Indian concept of secularism is different from western form of secularism? ( sociology)

The word secularism was earlier used in negative sense. With increase of the rationality and intellectualness its meaning and reference both changed altogether. Western concept of secularism means complete separation of religion and state. Indian form of secularism is different. It means equal respect for all the religion. This form was in accordance to the … Read more DMPQ: What is secularism? How Indian concept of secularism is different from western form of secularism? ( sociology)

DMPQ:What are the reasons for low sex ratio in our country?

Sex selection and medical technology is misused in India for detecting the sex of unborn child and ultimately for the) sex selection, Female foetuses, thus identified and aborted. gender inequality Lack of female empowerement Dowry and other social evils due to low contribution of female in economy of Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube … Read more DMPQ:What are the reasons for low sex ratio in our country?

social security benefits is one of the most important aspect of welfare state. In this context discuss the provisions of Pradhan mantrivayavandanda yojana.( Schemes)

with the rise in average life expectancy there is a need to provide the senior citizens with social security. Hence government of India came up with PMVVY to provide pension and hence income security.   Eligibility   A senior citizen above the age of 60 years of age will fall under the scheme.   Available … Read more social security benefits is one of the most important aspect of welfare state. In this context discuss the provisions of Pradhan mantrivayavandanda yojana.( Schemes)

DMPQ: social security benefits is one of the most important aspect of welfare state. In this context discuss the provisions of Pradhan mantrivayavandanda yojana. ( schemes)

with the rise in average life expectancy there is a need to provide the senior citizens with social security. Hence government of India came up with PMVVY to provide pension and hence income security.   Eligibility   A senior citizen Subscribe on YouTube above the age of 60 years of age will fall under the … Read more DMPQ: social security benefits is one of the most important aspect of welfare state. In this context discuss the provisions of Pradhan mantrivayavandanda yojana. ( schemes)

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