DMPQ- What is Regionalism and comment on the threat generated due to regionalism?

Regionalism is the expression of a common sense of identity and purpose by people within a specific geographical region, united by its unique language, culture, language, etc. In a positive sense, it encourages people to develop a sense of brotherhood and oneness which seeks to protect the interests of a particular region and promotes the … Read more DMPQ- What is Regionalism and comment on the threat generated due to regionalism?

DMPQ-How does pathalgadi movement affected the collective conscious of Tribal society?

‘Pathalgadi’ literally means carving a stone – it is an ancient tradition in the tribal communities of Jharkhand. Adivasis usually erected engraved stones to mark the birth or death of a person. The state government of Jharkhand tried to amend the Chotanagpur Tenancy Act, 1908 and Santhal Parganas Tenancy Act, 1876 to facilitate easier land … Read more DMPQ-How does pathalgadi movement affected the collective conscious of Tribal society?

DMPQ-Sangeet Natak Academy.

The Sangeet NatakAkademi – India’s national academy for music, dance and drama – is the first National Academy of the arts set-up by the Republic of India. It was created by a resolution of the (then) Ministry of Education, Subscribe on YouTube Government of India, dated 31 May 1952 notified in the Gazette of India … Read more DMPQ-Sangeet Natak Academy.

DMPQ- CHapcharKut festival.

ChapcharKut Festival which is a state-level celebration of MIZORAM state. ChapcharKut is a festival held during the period when they cut bamboo trees and are been left to dry so that they can be burnt for jhumming farming. ChapcharKut is a celebration held in anticipation of a golden harvest. The sight Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on … Read more DMPQ- CHapcharKut festival.

DMPQ- Hornbill Festival.

The tribes of Nagaland celebrate their festivals with appreciation and fervor. More than 60% of the population of Nagaland depends on agriculture and therefore most of their festivals revolve around agriculture. They consider their festivals sacred and so participation in these festivals is essential. To encourage inter-tribal interaction and to promote cultural heritage of Nagaland, … Read more DMPQ- Hornbill Festival.

DMPQ- Enumerate the difference between Varna and Jatisystem.

Jati and Varna are two words that are very important while studying Indian social system. These are classifications of the traditional Indian society that confuse many people who are outsiders, especially westerners as they go for literal translation of these words. Varna: Literally ‘Varna’ means colour and originates from the world ‘Vri’ meaning the choice … Read more DMPQ- Enumerate the difference between Varna and Jatisystem.

DMPQ-Write down the difference in the social structure of rural India and Urban India?

  Rural society Urban society Life in the society was very simple and reflected in the way of living, dressing, food habits, shelter and manners Life in the city is not simple but very complex and complicate The people in Subscribe on YouTube the society had homogeneity and thus enjoyed more or less the same … Read more DMPQ-Write down the difference in the social structure of rural India and Urban India?

DMPQ-Child undernutrition is a major problem in India and serious effective policy intervention is the need of the hour. Discuss

The scale and the gender dimension of nutrition in India shows that while there is economic growth of nearly 10 per cent annually, rates of child undernutrition remain very high. According to NFHS-3, 48 per cent of children under the age of five, are stunted due to chronic undernutrition, with 70 per cent being anemic. … Read more DMPQ-Child undernutrition is a major problem in India and serious effective policy intervention is the need of the hour. Discuss

DMPQ-Eye for an eye creates the whole world Blind. Do you agree with the statement? Discuss in the context of capital punishment as a part of our criminal Justice system?

Points against capital Punishment Value of human life Everyone thinks human life is valuable. Some of those against capital punishment believe that human life is so valuable that even the worst murderers should not be deprived of the value of their lives.   Right to live Everyone has an inalienable human right to life, even … Read more DMPQ-Eye for an eye creates the whole world Blind. Do you agree with the statement? Discuss in the context of capital punishment as a part of our criminal Justice system?

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