DMPQ- Dekho apna desh webinar series.

The Ministry of Tourism in India recently launched its “Dekho Apna Desh” webinar to offer tourism virtually. It is intended to provide an in-depth knowledge on several destinations in India alongwith information about the heritage of India. The first webinar, ‘City of Cities – Delhi’s Personal Diary’, took place on April 14, and touched upon … Read more DMPQ- Dekho apna desh webinar series.

DMPQ- What do you understand by the concept of Modernisation and Westernisation.

Modernisation: The term ‘Modernization’ is a broader and complex term. It is a process by which modern scientific knowledge is introduced in the society with the ultimate purpose of achieving a better and more satisfactory life in the broadest sense of the term accepted by the society concerned.   Modernization refers to an attempt on … Read more DMPQ- What do you understand by the concept of Modernisation and Westernisation.

DMPQ- Discuss the significance of Media ethics in recent times.

Media ethics deals with specific ethical principles and standards of media, including broadcast media, film, theatre, the arts, print media and the internet. Media, being the fourth pillar of democracy has a major role in maintaining acceptable practices in society. Significance of responsible media during crisis Reduce panic During crisis there are high chances that … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the significance of Media ethics in recent times.

DMPQ-What were the causes of intellectual awakening during mahajanpada era?

Causes of intellectual awakening: State formation and the rigidity of the Vedic religion constrained the liberty of thought and action. A revolt against religious practice of following dogmas found its articulation in heterodox sects.   As the Vedic religion had not yet permeated into the society, people did not find it difficult to follow the … Read more DMPQ-What were the causes of intellectual awakening during mahajanpada era?

DMPQ-What was the status of society on the eve of Indian renaissance?

Society on the eve of Reform movements:   Depressing Social condition the condition of women was deplorable. The practice of sati came in for particular condemnation. The division of society according Subscribe on YouTube to birth resulting in the caste system was also criticized. The development of the Western culture and ideology forced the traditional institutions to revitalize themselves.  

DMPQ- Write down the impact of COVId-19 on education sector?

The impact of Covid-19 on education sector are as follows: Closing down of schools, colleges, universities due to the pandemic. Postponement of graduation and degree exams. Focus on e learning and Tele classes. Inter country migration of student got hampered due to Pandemic as various countries has put barrier on flight movement due to lockdown. … Read more DMPQ- Write down the impact of COVId-19 on education sector?

DMPQ-Gender Discrimination is still prevalent in 21st Century. Account for the reasons of such disparities.

Reasons for Gender discrimination: Socio-Cultural Factors. Patriarchal Mindset Social institution dominated by Male section. Women Purpose limited to reproduction and to strengthen alliance between two groups. Sati Pratha Dowry Practice Historical factors. Lack of will by organisation to impart gender parity. Lack of women leadership. Lack of women participation. Lack of opportunity. Equal pay are … Read more DMPQ-Gender Discrimination is still prevalent in 21st Century. Account for the reasons of such disparities.

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