Precautions Observed In Electric Experiments And Chemical Effects Of Electric Current

 When it comes to working with electrical equipment, putting safety precautions in place for any electrical project is always a top priority. From basic knowledge and equipment safety to personal precautions and equipment performance, knowing what to do to help prevent injuries and ensure safety can be a Subscribe on YouTube lifesaver. Avoid Water … Read more Precautions Observed In Electric Experiments And Chemical Effects Of Electric Current

Total Internal Reflection

 , in physics, complete reflection of a ray of light within a medium such as water or glass from the surrounding surfaces back into the medium. The phenomenon occurs if the angle of incidence is greater than a certain limiting angle, called the critical angle. In general, total internal reflection takes place at the … Read more Total Internal Reflection

Uses And Harms Of Nuclear Energy

 Pros of Nuclear Energy Low Pollution: Nuclear power also has a lot fewer greenhouse emissions. It has been determined that the amount of greenhouse gases have decreased by almost half because of the prevalence in the utilization of nuclear power. Nuclear energy has the least effect on nature since it doesn’t discharge any gasses … Read more Uses And Harms Of Nuclear Energy

Vector Borne Diseases

 Vector borne diseases Main vectors and diseases they transmit Vectors are living organisms that can transmit infectious diseases between humans Join Our Telegram Channel or from animals to humans. Many of these vectors are bloodsucking insects, which ingest disease-producing microorganisms during a blood meal from an infected host (human or animal) and later inject … Read more Vector Borne Diseases

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