DMPQ: What is free space optical communication? Write down its advantages ( science)

FSOC technology uses beams of light to deliver high speed, high capacity connectivity over a long distance.  The energy beam is sent through clean air or space from the source to the destination, rather than guided through an optical fibre. As long as there is a clear line of sight between the source and the … Read more DMPQ: What is free space optical communication? Write down its advantages ( science)

DMPQ: Define- Comets, Dark matter, Dark energy and Fundamental particle (Science)

Q.  Comets Ans:   Comets originate in outer solar system and are formed of cosmic snowballs of frozen gases, rock and dust that orbit the sun. When a comet’s orbit bring it close to the sun ,it Subscribe on YouTube heat up and spewn dust and gases into a giant glowing head larger than most planets. … Read more DMPQ: Define- Comets, Dark matter, Dark energy and Fundamental particle (Science)

DMPQ: Define all All four questions are from science- Neutrino, Indian -based Neutrino observatory, Goldilock zone, Internet of things

Neutrino Ans:   Neutrinos are one of the fundamental particles which make up the universe and second most abundant particle in the universe after photon. Neutrinos are similar to electron with one Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube crucial difference that they don not carry electric charge.   Indian -based Neutrino observatory Ans:   It is … Read more DMPQ: Define all All four questions are from science- Neutrino, Indian -based Neutrino observatory, Goldilock zone, Internet of things

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