DMPQ- What do you understand by the concept of cooperative federalism?

Co-operative federalism, in general terms, is a concept wherein the federal government, state government, and local government interact co-operatively and share theirresponsibilities in the governance. Corwin defines co-operative federalism thus: “The Statesand National Governments are regarded as mutually complementary parts of a singlegovernmental mechanism all the powers are intended to realise the current purposes ofgovernment … Read more DMPQ- What do you understand by the concept of cooperative federalism?

DMPQ- Fundamental rights in India are not immune from criticism. Comment.

The FRs enshrined in Part III of the Constitution have met with a wide range and varied criticism. Excessive Limitations They are subjected to innumerable exceptions, restrictions, qualifications and explanations. Hence, the critics remarked that the Constitution grants Fundamental Rights with one hand and takes them away with the other. No Social and Economic Rights … Read more DMPQ- Fundamental rights in India are not immune from criticism. Comment.

DMPQ- What were the amendments made in the child and adolescent labor (prohibition and regulation ) Act, 1986?

A child is permitted to work only to help family, in family enterprise or as child artistafter school hours or during vacations. The amendment has introduced the concept of adolescent labour for the first time. An adolescent has been defined as a person between the ages of 14-18 years. The amendment permit employment of adolescent … Read more DMPQ- What were the amendments made in the child and adolescent labor (prohibition and regulation ) Act, 1986?

DMPQ- What are the challenges in ensuring road safety in India?

Potholes are a major cause for accidental deaths and between 2013 and 2016, official statistics says that 11,836 deaths due to it in India. Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra have the dubious distinction for consistently causing potholes related accidents. Significantly, pothole related deaths peak during monsoons and ironically. While cases are to … Read more DMPQ- What are the challenges in ensuring road safety in India?

DMPQ- Discuss the condition that lead to the insurgency in North east.

The conditions can be summarised as below:   Large scale migration has created a fear in the minds of people that they will be reduced to minority in their own states or regions. Migrants threaten their culture sand traditions and also occupy already limited employment opportunities. Migration of Muslims has also imparted it a communal … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the condition that lead to the insurgency in North east.

DMPQ- What is cooperative federalism? Mention the executive mechanism through which cooperative federalism can be strengthened.

Cooperative federalism implies that the Centre and states share a horizontal relationship, where they “cooperate” in the larger public interest. It’s visualized as an important tool to enable states’ participation in the formulation and implementation of national policies. Executive Mechanisms for Co-Operative Federalism: Inter-State Council (ISC): Article 263 of the Constitution, provides the provision for … Read more DMPQ- What is cooperative federalism? Mention the executive mechanism through which cooperative federalism can be strengthened.

DMPQ: Write a short note on TAMRA Portal.

With an objective to enhance transparency and accountability as a part of the Ease of Doing Business in the Mining sector, TAMRA (Transparency, Auction Monitoring and Resource Augmentation) portal and Mobile Application was launched.   TAMRA Portal and Mobile Application  is a step to speed up mining activity in India and facilitate all the stakeholders to track the status … Read more DMPQ: Write a short note on TAMRA Portal.

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