Polity Booster- Linkages of organized crime with terrorism

Linkages of organized crime with terrorism As organized crime and terrorist groups have globalized and diversified their operations in the past decade, they have based their activities in countries offering conditions most favorable to survival and expansion. Mobility, an important new characteristic of most such groups, has given groups a wider selection of operational bases … Read more Polity Booster- Linkages of organized crime with terrorism

Polity Booster- State and non-State actors in creating challenges to internal security

State and non-State actors in creating challenges to internal security India was partitioned in the backdrop of large-scale communal riots, but the partition of the country on religious lines, without taking into consideration its multiple identities, instead of bringing the communal tensions down, in fact, worsened the situation. The two-nation theory created Pakistan, and it … Read more Polity Booster- State and non-State actors in creating challenges to internal security

Polity Booster- Linkages between development and spread of extremism

Linkages between development and spread of extremism In the Indian scenario, extremism activities(e.g. Naxalism, Radicalisation) are increasing rapidly. The scale of the extremists’ operations is massive and consequently, these activities have a perilous impact on the nation’s social, economic, and political development. Improvement in standard of living is something that everyone craves and deserves it … Read more Polity Booster- Linkages between development and spread of extremism

State Civil Services

State Civil Services The phrase ‘State Services’ refers to the civil service at state level. Civil service refers to the civilians employed by a government and distinguishes civilian pursuits in government from military. Civil service is a career service. Elective officials and employees of semi-government bodies do not form part of the civil service. An … Read more State Civil Services

Adult Franchise

Adult Franchise Right to express one’s choice by vote is called Franchise. When the right to vote or franchise is given to every adult in a state, it is known as the Universal Adult Franchise. In its original 19th-century usage by reformers in Britain, universal suffrage was understood to mean only universal manhood suffrage; the … Read more Adult Franchise

Speaker of the Lok Sabha

Speaker of the Lok Sabha The Office of the Speaker occupies a pivotal position in our parliamentary democracy. It has been said of the Office of the Speaker that while the members of Parliament represent the individual constituencies, the Speaker represents the full authority of the House itself. He symbolises the dignity and power of … Read more Speaker of the Lok Sabha

Family Court

Family Court It is not unknown that a gaping loophole in the Indian Judiciary is the backlog of cases. The number of cases being filed in the Supreme Court is consistently on the rise. There are cases dealing with a broad spectrum of issues such as family matters and property which continue for generations. Such … Read more Family Court

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