DMPQ- State the classical theories of the origin of monsoon.

Halley’s Thermal concept: Indian monsoon is because of contrast between Indian Subcontinent and adjoining Indian Ocean. Halley’s theory, suggested in 1686, considers the summer monsoon to be a regional phenomenon. Aerological concept: This was suggested by R. Scherhag in 1948. According to this theory, monsoon circulation develops due to changes in air temperature at all … Read more DMPQ- State the classical theories of the origin of monsoon.

DMPQ- Explain Rural – Urban continuum. What is Rurban mission?

There are many different views regarding the rural-urban continuum. Some scholars say that there are no sharp breaking points to be found in the degree or quantity of rural urban differences. Robert Redfield has given the concept of rural -urban continuum on the basis of his study of Mexican peasants of Tepoztlain.The rapid process of … Read more DMPQ- Explain Rural – Urban continuum. What is Rurban mission?

DMPQ- List out the various oceanic deposits with their classifications.

Most important sorts of ocean deposits are: Terrigenous Deposits Body of water Deposits. There are loose sediments, deposited on the ocean bottom. These are ocean deposits. They vary from location to location. The study of ocean deposits is vital in beneath standing the rocks exposed on the earth’s surface that were once set under ocean. … Read more DMPQ- List out the various oceanic deposits with their classifications.

DMPQ- Write an essay on the Scheduled Caste population composition of India.

Scheduled Castes are notified in 31 States/UTs of India and there are altogether 1,241 individual ethnic groups, etc. notified as Scheduled Castes in different States/UTs. There has been some changes in the List of SCs/STs in States/ UTs during the last decade. As per the 2011 Census of India, there are around 201.4 million SCs … Read more DMPQ- Write an essay on the Scheduled Caste population composition of India.

DMPQ- What are the main objectives of Blue Revolution?

Promote “Blue Revolution” through a multipronged approach and introduction of alternate species. Develop a policy framework for allotment of marine areas and large reservoirs for cage culture through fi shermen cooperatives/private participation or by consortium. Establish SPF Brood Stock Multiplication centres and aquatic quarantine centres for L.vannamei for production and supply of SPF brood stock … Read more DMPQ- What are the main objectives of Blue Revolution?

DMPQ- What are the primary causes for Floods ?

Excessive rainfall in river catchments or concentration of runoff from the tributaries and river carrying flows in excess of their capacities. Backing water in tributaries at their confluence with the main river. Synchronization of flood peaks in the main rivers or their tributaries. Intense rainfall when river is flowing full. Poor natural drainage system. Landslides … Read more DMPQ- What are the primary causes for Floods ?

DMPQ- What are the main causes of Industrial sickness ?

Industrial sickness has become a major problem of the India’s corporate private sec­tor. Of late, it has assumed serious proportions. A close look reveals that there are, at least, five major causes of industrial sickness, viz., promotional, managerial, technical, financial and political. An industrial unit may become sick at its nascent stage or after working … Read more DMPQ- What are the main causes of Industrial sickness ?

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