Philosophical and social thoughts of Acharya Shankaracharya

Philosophical and social thoughts of Acharya Shankaracharya Adi Shankaracharya, the great Philosopher was born in 788 CE, Kaladi, Present in Kerala. He died in 820 CE at the early age of 32 only in Kedarnath, Pala Empire, Present in Uttarakhand. Shankaracharya was a noted Philosopher and theologiser from India. He reformed the rituals and doctrines … Read more Philosophical and social thoughts of Acharya Shankaracharya

Philosophical  and social thoughts of Maharshi Arvind

Philosophical  and social thoughts of Maharshi Arvind Sri Aurobindo believed that the highest truths, the truth contained of science and religion were already contained in Vedas. The Gita and the Upanishads are nothing but a logical continuation of the Vedas. He believes in traditional concept of man and accepts the classical views about the union … Read more Philosophical  and social thoughts of Maharshi Arvind

Philosophical and social thoughts of Savitribai Phule

Philosophical and social thoughts of Savitribai Phule Savitribai Phule (3rd  January 1831-10th  March 1897) was a social reformer of nineteenth century India (Maharashtra), capable teacher, leader, thinker, writer, and committed companion to her husband. Savitribai Phule is credited with being the first native teacher of girls in Maharashtra. Under his influence,Savitribai had taken women’s education … Read more Philosophical and social thoughts of Savitribai Phule


 Attitude Should abortion be illegal? Should we cancel third world debt? How quickly should we reduce carbon emissions? Should there ever be a death penalty for any crime? Are you liberal or conservative? A soccer fan? A music lover? An optimist? The answers to all these questions depend upon psychological characteristics that define … Read more Attitude

Ethical Teachings

 Ethical teachings Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Maulana Azad was not only this century’s most articulate votary of Hindu-Muslim unity but also the only one erudite aalim (Islamic scholar) who claimed Quranic sanction for his faith in that unity and the freedom of the nation. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad is, by any reckoning, a … Read more Ethical Teachings

Political Attitude (1)

 Political attitude Political Attitude means the beliefs and values which underpin the operation of a particular political system. These attitudes were seen as including knowledge and skills about the operation of the political system positive and negative judgments about the system. These attitudes determine how people participate, whom they vote for and which … Read more Political Attitude (1)

Basics Of Recruitment

 Basics of recruitment, selection, induction, training & development Recruitment (hiring) refers to the overall process of attracting, shortlisting, selecting and appointing suitable candidates for jobs (either permanent or temporary) within an organization. Recruitment can also refer to processes involved in choosing individuals for unpaid roles. Managers, human resource generalists and recruitment specialists may … Read more Basics Of Recruitment

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

 Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam The three keys to a corruption-free country must play their part: Showing his faith in three key societal members, Dr Kalam firmly believed that the father, the mother and the teacher have a humungous role to play in making a difference to the nation. He taught us that a … Read more Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Challenges Of Corruption (1)

 Challenges of corruption Corruption is an age old phenomenon and can be seen everywhere now a days. It is like a cancer in public life, which has not become to rampant and perpetuated overnight, but is course of time. The word corruption means destruction, ruining or spoiling a society or nation. A corrupt … Read more Challenges Of Corruption (1)

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