DMPQ- What do you understand by “ Sea grass” and “ sea weed”?

Seagrasses are flowering plants (angiosperms) which grow in marine environments. Seagrass can easily be confused with marine macroalgae (Seaweed). Seagrasses are considered vascular plants and have roots, stems and leaves. Sea grass produces flowers, seeds and fruits. Seagrass plays a vital role in oxygen production and absorption of carbon dioxide. It acts as a purifier … Read more DMPQ- What do you understand by “ Sea grass” and “ sea weed”?

DMPQ-What is eutrophication and How does it affect the marine ecosystem?

Inorganic plant nutrients are water soluble nitrates and phosphates that cause excessive growth of algae and otheraquatic plants. The excessive growth of algae and aquatic plants due to added nutrients is called Eutrophication.   Impact of Eutrophication on environment: Creation of dense blooms of noxious, foul-smelling phytoplankton known as Algal Blooms that reduce waterclarity and … Read more DMPQ-What is eutrophication and How does it affect the marine ecosystem?

DMPQ- What do you understand by the term soil salinity? Write down the effects of increase in the soil salinity?

A soil may be rich in salts because the parent rock from which it was formed contains salts. Sea water is anothersource of salts in low-lying areas along the coast. A very common source of salts in irrigated soils is the irrigationwater itself. Most irrigation waters contain some salts. After irrigation, the water added to … Read more DMPQ- What do you understand by the term soil salinity? Write down the effects of increase in the soil salinity?

DMPQ- What are the challenges to the management and preservation of Indian Forestry.

Indian forests face a number of problems which are both natural and man-made. Some of the major problems are: Inadequate and dwindling forest cover. Low productivity Nature of forests and their uneconomical utilisation Lack of transport facilities Forest fires Plant diseases, insects and pests Obsolete methods of lumbering and sawing Lack of commercial forests Lack … Read more DMPQ- What are the challenges to the management and preservation of Indian Forestry.

DMPQ- Air quality is declining to a high proportion. In this context explain the system of Advanced Air quality early warning system.

Air Quality Early Warning Systemis designed to predict extreme air pollution events and give alerts to take necessary steps as per Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) of the Government of India. The air pollution system has been developed jointly by the scientists at Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune, India Meteorological Department and National … Read more DMPQ- Air quality is declining to a high proportion. In this context explain the system of Advanced Air quality early warning system.

DMPQ: Write a short note on Composite water management Index

The National Institute for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog has developed the Composite Water Management Index (CWMI) to enable effective water management in Indian states in the face of this growing crisis. The CWMI is envisioned to bring about much-required improvements in water resource management and conservation in India in a coherent and collaborative manner. The … Read more DMPQ: Write a short note on Composite water management Index

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