DMPQ: What is a monetary policy? What are its types? List down the objectives of monetary policies.

Monetary policy is made by the central bank to manage money supply to achieve specific goals- such as constraining inflation, maintaining an appropriate exchange rate , generating jobs etc.   There are basically two types of monetary policies. They are expansionary and contractionary.   Expansionary: This means increase in the total supply of money in … Read more DMPQ: What is a monetary policy? What are its types? List down the objectives of monetary policies.

DMPQ: Explain the following terms: ( Econmomy) a) Bank rate b) Merchant discount rate c) Open Market operations d) Repo rate e) MSF

Bank rate:  Bank rate is the rate at which RBI lends long term to commercial banks. Bank rate is a tool which RBI uses for managing money supply.   Merchant discount rate: It is a charge to a merchant by a bank for accepting payment from their customers in credit Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe … Read more DMPQ: Explain the following terms: ( Econmomy) a) Bank rate b) Merchant discount rate c) Open Market operations d) Repo rate e) MSF

DMPQ: What is fiscal consolidation? Provide the ways to achieve it? ( Economy)

Fiscal consolidation means providing ways and means to strengthen the government finance and reduction in both deficits and accumulation of debt stock. It is critical as it provide macroeconomic stability.     It can be achieve in simple terms by increasing the revenue and reducing the expenditure. The following are the ways through which FD … Read more DMPQ: What is fiscal consolidation? Provide the ways to achieve it? ( Economy)

DMPQ: Post 1991 reform era has seen a major changes in the tax system. Discuss the changes( economics)

The 1991 is a hallmark year as it launched Indian into a new era of economic freedom. It majorly changed our economy from controlled to a free economy. One of the ingredient was tax reforms. The major changes one can observed in the tax system are as follows: Widening of tax bases both by addition … Read more DMPQ: Post 1991 reform era has seen a major changes in the tax system. Discuss the changes( economics)

DMPQ: Post 1991 Indian economy saw a sudden change in outlook. To bring reforms in the financial sector GOI set up Narsimha committee. Discuss its recommendation.

It was in the wake of the Liberalisation in 1991 that it cecame imperative for the government to reform the financial sector in order to reinvigorate the economy. GOI set up committee under the guidelines of  Narsimha. Recommendation: It advised the RBI not to use CRR as a principal investment of monetary and credit control … Read more DMPQ: Post 1991 Indian economy saw a sudden change in outlook. To bring reforms in the financial sector GOI set up Narsimha committee. Discuss its recommendation.

DMPQ: Subsidies are always been a major tool for the inclusivity. Comment on its efficacy. (Economy)

In India there is large inequality in terms of wealth. To set off this bridge Govt resorts to  subsidies for resource redistribution and to achieve social welfare of the masses. Over the periods of time different political class have used subsidies to garner votes. There are various advantages of subsidies:   Empowerment and security to … Read more DMPQ: Subsidies are always been a major tool for the inclusivity. Comment on its efficacy. (Economy)

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