Explain the different type of subsidies as per WTO agreements

Ans:  Green Box Subsidies: The subsidies which cause no, or at most minimal, trade distorting effects or effects on production. These subsidies are permitted under WTO regime, for instance; Government services such as research, disease control, and infrastructure and food security.   Amber Box Subsidies : All domestic support measures considered to distort production and … Read more Explain the different type of subsidies as per WTO agreements

DMPQ: Economic survey suggested that India’s growth decoupled with the world growth? What is this decoupling and what are the reasons for it?( Economic survey)

Decoupling means Decline in the growth rate of India when world was facing positive growth rate. The Reasons for this decoupling can be attributed to Domestic reasons and the long term effect of balance sheet syndrome.   Reasons are: Demonetisation exercise lead to negative growth rate. Problems in new Indirect tax reform GST. Twin balance … Read more DMPQ: Economic survey suggested that India’s growth decoupled with the world growth? What is this decoupling and what are the reasons for it?( Economic survey)

DMPQ: What was the mandate of the committee headed by D B Shekatkar? Outline its recommendation. ( Military reforms/ polity)

The committee, set up in 2015 to recommend measures to enhance combat capability and rebalance defence expenditure of the armed forces, has submitted its final report in December 2016. The committee said that if recommendations are implemented, the government can save up to Rs. 25,000 crore from the current expenditure. The major recommendations are as follows: … Read more DMPQ: What was the mandate of the committee headed by D B Shekatkar? Outline its recommendation. ( Military reforms/ polity)

DMPQ: Fiscal solidarity is key to foundation of a strong economy. N k singh committee was set up to head a fiscal responsibility and budget management panel? Discuss the features of the act. ( Economic reforms)

FRBM act was brought to bring fiscal discipline in the Indian fiscal milieu. But the objectives of FRBM have been shifted for various reasons in the past due to global reasons as well as the domestic reasons. Hence FRBM panel was set up to review the act. The recommendation are explained hereunder which are nonbinding … Read more DMPQ: Fiscal solidarity is key to foundation of a strong economy. N k singh committee was set up to head a fiscal responsibility and budget management panel? Discuss the features of the act. ( Economic reforms)

DMPQ: Discuss the key issues with real estate sector? Outline the provisions of Real estate ( regulation and development ) Act, 2016. (Acts)

Real estate sector is highly unregulated where black money find its place. Major issues with real estate sector are lengthy approval process for project clearances, lack of clear land titles, diversion of funds received by the developer towards one project to more lucrative ones. Changing of layouts by the developer and legal disputes between buyers … Read more DMPQ: Discuss the key issues with real estate sector? Outline the provisions of Real estate ( regulation and development ) Act, 2016. (Acts)

DMPQ: Define following term ( Eco) a) Current account b) Capital account c) Balance of payment d) Trade balance

Current account:       Current account refers to the account maintained by every government of the world in which every kind of transaction is shown, this account is maintained by the central banking body. Current transactions of an economy in foreign currency all over the world- export, import, interest payments, foreign investments in share.   Capital account:         … Read more DMPQ: Define following term ( Eco) a) Current account b) Capital account c) Balance of payment d) Trade balance

DMPQ: Banking sector was highly regulated and the sad state of affairs of the bank prior to 1991 was mainly because of government mismanagement. In this context discuss the recommendation of Narsimahan Committee.( Economics)

A high level committee on financial system was set up on august 14,1991. The objective of the committee was set up to examine all aspect relating to structure, organisation, function and procedures of the financial system.  The recommendations were majorly aimed at ensuring a degree of operational flexibility; internal autonomy for public sector banks; and … Read more DMPQ: Banking sector was highly regulated and the sad state of affairs of the bank prior to 1991 was mainly because of government mismanagement. In this context discuss the recommendation of Narsimahan Committee.( Economics)

DMPQ: What was the purpose of PDS? Evaluate its functioning. ( schemes evaluation)

PDS was establish to procure gain and other cereals from farmers and distribute it through a subsidised scheme to those most vulnerable to hunger. It was started in the late 1960s and was subsequently expanded to rural districts.   The scheme in principal can be faulted but in practice the result have been abysmal. According … Read more DMPQ: What was the purpose of PDS? Evaluate its functioning. ( schemes evaluation)

DMPQ: Define the following terms; a) Tier -1 capital b) Tier -2 capital c) CAR d) Public debt( Economy)

Tier-1 capital:     Tier 1 capital, used to describe the capital adequacy of a bank, is core capital that includes equity capital and disclosed reserves. Tier 1 capital is essentially the most perfect form of a bank’s capital — the money the bank has stored to keep it functioning through all the risky transactions it … Read more DMPQ: Define the following terms; a) Tier -1 capital b) Tier -2 capital c) CAR d) Public debt( Economy)

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