DMPQ- 74th Constitutional amendment act is an important milestone in journey of evolution of urban bodies. Elucidate.

. This Act has added a new Part IX-A to the Constitution of India. It is entitled ‘The Municipalities’ and consists of provisions from Articles 243-P to 243-ZG. In addition, the act has also added a new Twelfth Schedule to the Constitution. This schedule contains eighteen functional items of municipalities. It deals with Article 243-W. … Read more DMPQ- 74th Constitutional amendment act is an important milestone in journey of evolution of urban bodies. Elucidate.

DMPQ- Map out the draught prone areas in India. Also mention the Institutional mechanism for draught management in India.

Droughts and floods are the two accompanying features of Indian climate. According to some estimates, nearly 19 per cent of the total geographical area of the country and 12 percent of its total population suffer due to drought every year. About 30 percent of the country’s total area is identified as drought prone. Extreme Drought … Read more DMPQ- Map out the draught prone areas in India. Also mention the Institutional mechanism for draught management in India.

DMPQ- Explain the relationship between monsoon and economic life in India.

Monsoon is that axis around which revolves the entire agricultural cycle of India. It is because about 64 per cent people of India depend on agriculture for their livelihood and agriculture itself is based on southwest monsoon. Except Himalayas all the parts of the country have temperature above the threashold level to grow the crops … Read more DMPQ- Explain the relationship between monsoon and economic life in India.

DMPQ- . What was Euro zone crisis? Point out the structural problems associated with the crisis.

Earlier, European Union represented one economic market as an economic union with free  trade with each other. The Euro zone came into existence with the signing of Maastricht  treaty signed during 1992, of a monetary union, one central bank and single currency,  replacing country specific currencies in the European Union. As a result, the Euro … Read more DMPQ- . What was Euro zone crisis? Point out the structural problems associated with the crisis.

Science Booster- Gene editing tool CRISPR-cas 9 and emerging new world

Gene editing tool CRISPR-cas 9 and emerging new world Vast number of patients suffering from lifelong incurable diseases such  as Sickle cell disease , Cystic fibrosis  or Haemophilia and many more are at the threshold for a complete reversal of the disease and  in near future  shall influence favourably the treatment of  poorly treated cancer … Read more Science Booster- Gene editing tool CRISPR-cas 9 and emerging new world

DMPQ- Comment on the important recommendations of Balwant Rai Mehta committee for Panchayati Raj system.

In January 1957, the Government of India appointed a committee to examine the working of the Community Development Programme (1952) and the National Extension Service (1953) and to suggest measures for their better working. The chairman of this committee was Balwant Rai G Mehta. The committee submitted its report in November 1957 and recommended the … Read more DMPQ- Comment on the important recommendations of Balwant Rai Mehta committee for Panchayati Raj system.

DMPQ- Discuss the pre-disaster preventive measures and post-disaster preventive measures in case of Earthquake.

Pre-disaster preventive measures Re-framing buildings’ codes, guidelines, manuals and byelaws and their strict implementation .Tougher legislation for highly seismic areas. Incorporating earthquake resistant features in all buildings in high-risk areas. Making all public utilities like water supply systems, communication networks, electricity lines, earthquake-proof. Creating alternative arrangements to reduce damages to infrastructure facilities. Constructing earthquake-resistant community … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the pre-disaster preventive measures and post-disaster preventive measures in case of Earthquake.

DMPQ- . Briefly discuss the direct sources of information about the interior part of earth.

Most of our knowledge about the interior of the earth is largely based on estimates and inferences. Yet, a part of the information is obtained through direct observations and analysis of materials. The most easily available solid earth material is surface rock or the rocks we get from mining areas. Gold mines in South Africa … Read more DMPQ- . Briefly discuss the direct sources of information about the interior part of earth.

Agriculture Booster- Re-imaging agriculture through the lens of food processing industry

Re-imaging agriculture through the lens of food processing industry The COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated the criticality of food security and food surplus management in the current policy space. To this end, policy steps in the agriculture sector in recent years have shifted their orientation from sustenance to marketing. However, the sector is still exposed to … Read more Agriculture Booster- Re-imaging agriculture through the lens of food processing industry

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