DMPQ- Critically evaluate the ‘Freedom to offend’ issue in light of recent terrorist attack in France.

The case of Charlie Hebdo Outright violence broke out in early 2015 when the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo published a series of cartoons depicting Prophet Mohammad in improper ways, considered blasphemous in Islam. Two brothers of Algerian descent broke into the premises of the newspaper and murdered 11 people in cold blood including the chief … Read more DMPQ- Critically evaluate the ‘Freedom to offend’ issue in light of recent terrorist attack in France.

DMPQ- Give a summary of organization and process of India’s constitution aseembly.

The Constituent Assembly was to have 389 members. Of these, 296 were to be from British India and 93 from the princely Indian states. Initially, however, the Constituent Assembly comprised only members from British India. Election of these were held in July– August 1946. Of the 210 seats in the general category, Congress won 199. … Read more DMPQ- Give a summary of organization and process of India’s constitution aseembly.

DMPQ- What is the concept of Universal basic income ? Critically evaluate it’s viability for India.

Universal Basic Income is a radical and compelling paradigm shift in thinking about  both social justice and a productive economy. A universal basic income is, like many  rights, unconditional and universal: it requires that every person should have a right  to a basic income to cover their needs, just by virtue of being citizens. The … Read more DMPQ- What is the concept of Universal basic income ? Critically evaluate it’s viability for India.

DMPQ- “Government of India act of 1856 brought the significant changes in British India’s constitutional set up.” Elucidate.

. This significant Act was enacted in the wake of the Revolt of 1857—also known as the First War of Independence or the ‘sepoy mutiny’. The act known as the Act for the Good Government of India, abolished the East India Company, and transferred the powers of government, territories and revenues to the British Crown. … Read more DMPQ- “Government of India act of 1856 brought the significant changes in British India’s constitutional set up.” Elucidate.

DMPQ- Evaluate the effect of new government in USA on Indo-US diplomatic relations.

Since his re-election in 2019, Prime minister Modi has pushed through a series of policies seen by many in the country as unduly targeting India’s Muslim minority, including the revocation of Muslim-majority Kashmir’s semi-autonomous status and a new citizenship act that makes it easier for adherents of most large faiths practiced in South Asia, except … Read more DMPQ- Evaluate the effect of new government in USA on Indo-US diplomatic relations.

DMPQ- “Economic backwardness of India was one of the major features on the eve of Independence.” Elaborate.

Colonialism became a fetter on India’s agricultural and industrial development. Agriculture stagnated in most parts of the country and even deteriorated over the years, resulting in extremely low yields per acre, and sometimes even reaching zero. There was a decline in per capita agricultural production which fell by 14 per cent between 1901 and 1941. … Read more DMPQ- “Economic backwardness of India was one of the major features on the eve of Independence.” Elaborate.

DMPQ- . What is the concept of JAM ? Point out it’s significance in the modernization of Indian economy.

Large-scale, technology-enabled, real-time Direct Benefit Transfers can improve the  economic lives of India’s poor, and the JAM Trinity (Jan Dhan, Aadhaar, Mobile) can  help the government implement them. Over the past year, JAM has deepened its coverage  at an astonishing rate creating around 4 million accounts per week and several mobile  money operators were licensed. … Read more DMPQ- . What is the concept of JAM ? Point out it’s significance in the modernization of Indian economy.

15.12.20 Daily OPSC Current Affairs

ODISHA   Odisha approves unified emergency helpline number 112   The Odisha Government approved the unified emergency helpline number 112 to provide all forms of police assistance to people in distress.   The consolidated helpline number would enable police to rush services to people in an efficient manner.   The helpline number 112 subsumes the … Read more 15.12.20 Daily OPSC Current Affairs

13-14.12.20 Daily OPSC Current Affairs

ODISHA Odisha Assembly passes ‘Odisha Essential Services (Maintenance) Amendment Bill-2020’   Odisha Essential Services (Maintenance) Amendment Bill-2020 was passed by the state assembly.   The bill seeks to amend the existing Act of 1988 to prohibit strikes by employees of essential services in the state.   Expanding the ambit of essential services, the bill includes … Read more 13-14.12.20 Daily OPSC Current Affairs

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