DMPQ- What is central Industrial Security Force (CISF) ? Explain it’s mandate and objectives.

The CISF came into existence in 1969 with a modest beginning, having three battalions, to provide integrated security cover to the Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) which, in those years, occupied the commanding heights of the economy. In a span of four decades, the Force has grown several folds to reach one lakh forty eight thousand … Read more DMPQ- What is central Industrial Security Force (CISF) ? Explain it’s mandate and objectives.

DMPQ- “Currently Railway’s freight sector is possessed by many challenges” Elaborate.

. First and the foremost reason for this is the high cost of rail movement arising out of policy  of cross subsidization by IR. Passenger fares especially sleeper class are underpriced and  made up through increased freight fares. In India, passenger rail fares are highly politically  sensitive. However, this is also because of the social … Read more DMPQ- “Currently Railway’s freight sector is possessed by many challenges” Elaborate.

DMPQ- “There are many provisions which limit the reach and aceess of Fundamental rights.” Elucidate.

The Fundamental Rights enshrined in Part III of the Constitution have met with a wide and varied criticism. The arguments of the critics are: Excessive Limitations They are subjected to innumerable exceptions, restrictions, qualifications and explanations. Hence, the critics remarked that the Constitution grants Fundamental Rights with one hand and takes them away with the … Read more DMPQ- “There are many provisions which limit the reach and aceess of Fundamental rights.” Elucidate.

DMPQ- . Government has started defence reforms based on Shekatkar Committee recommendations to enhance combat capability of the armed forces. Discuss.

The defence ministry is in the process of implementing a slew of reforms suggested by the committee, headed by Lt Gen. D.B. Shekatkar (retd), which studied how to make the armed forces much leaner, cohesive and modern. Initially, the ministry had considered the report and sent 99 recommendations to the armed forces for making an … Read more DMPQ- . Government has started defence reforms based on Shekatkar Committee recommendations to enhance combat capability of the armed forces. Discuss.

DMPQ- Why was there a period of détente during the1970s and 1980s,and in what ways did detente manifest itself?

Between the late 1960s and the late 1970s, there was a thawing of the ongoing Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. This détente took several forms, including increased discussion on arms control. Although the decade began with vast improvements in bilateral relations, by the end of the decade events had brought … Read more DMPQ- Why was there a period of détente during the1970s and 1980s,and in what ways did detente manifest itself?

DMPQ- Point out the significance of ‘Maritime Agenda 2010-2020’ for the development of India’s Port sector.

India’s fact sheet of ports consists of twelve major ports (two additionally approved—  one in West Bengal and the second at Andhra Pradesh) and two hundred odd minor ports  accounting for 95 per cent of cargo movement by volume and 70 per cent by value. The  present port capacity is around 1000 million tonnes (MT). … Read more DMPQ- Point out the significance of ‘Maritime Agenda 2010-2020’ for the development of India’s Port sector.

DMPQ- . Discuss the position of Right to property since independence.

Originally, the right to property was one of the seven fundamental rights under Part III of the Constitution. It was dealt by Article 19(1)(f) and Article 31. Article 19(1)(f) guaranteed to every citizen the right to acquire, hold and dispose of property. Article 31, on the other hand, guaranteed to every person, whether citizen or … Read more DMPQ- . Discuss the position of Right to property since independence.

DMPQ- What is QUAD ? What are the implications of including Australia in MALABAR 2020 under QUAD ?

Quad is an informal strategic forum among the like-minded democracies across the Indian and the Pacific Ocean aimed to ensure and support a “free, open and prosperous” Indo-Pacific region. It comprises of the USA, India, Japan and Australia. Dubbed the Asian NATO, the Quad has a rocky past and has only recently developed a greater … Read more DMPQ- What is QUAD ? What are the implications of including Australia in MALABAR 2020 under QUAD ?

DMPQ- Explain why the Cold War came to an end, and show how this affected international relations.

End of cold war When Mikhail Gorbachev assumed the reins of power in the Soviet Union in 1985, no one predicted the revolution he would bring. A dedicated reformer, Gorbachev introduced the policies of glasnost and perestroika to the USSR. Gorbachev hoped these changes would be enough to spark the sluggish Soviet economy. Freedom, however, … Read more DMPQ- Explain why the Cold War came to an end, and show how this affected international relations.

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