DMPQ-Describe the role and objectives of Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities.

. In pursuance of the provision of Article 350-B of the Constitution, the office of the Special Officer for Linguistic Minorities was created in 1957. He is designated as the Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities. The Commissioner takes up all the matters pertaining to the grievances arising out of the non- implementation of the Constitutional and … Read more DMPQ-Describe the role and objectives of Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities.

DMPQ-Throw light on the potential consequences we are witnessing because of global warming.

Global warming due to GHGs and Ozone depletion may have following adverse consequences: Faster snow melting and glacier depletion Melting of glaciers will put close to half of  world’s population under threat from flooding in short term and draughts, water and  power shortages in long run. Siachin Glacier has retreated by around 1 km in … Read more DMPQ-Throw light on the potential consequences we are witnessing because of global warming.

DMPQ-What is Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). How does it effects India’s climate.

The Inter Tropical  Convergence Zone (ITCZ) or Thermal Equator is a broad trough of low pressure in  equatorial latitudes (it always remains on the north of the equator due to effect of  landmass). This is where the northeast and the southeast trade winds converge and this  is a low pressure zone. This convergence zone lies … Read more DMPQ-What is Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). How does it effects India’s climate.

DMPQ-. Give a brief description about Bio-piracy with examples.

As genetic research becomes more sophisticated, so does our ability to use plants and animals to develop new drugs or modify crops to meet food security needs. Often, in the search for new bio resources, researchers draw on local people’s traditional knowledge about the properties of a particular plant, animal or chemical compound. When researchers … Read more DMPQ-. Give a brief description about Bio-piracy with examples.

DMPQ-. Discuss the constitutional evolution of national commission for ST’s. Also mention the functions of the commission.

. The National Commission for SCs and STs came into being consequent upon passing of the 65th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1990. The Commission was established under Article 338 of the Constitution with the objective of monitoring all the safeguards provided for the SCs and STs under the Constitution or other law. Geographically and culturally, … Read more DMPQ-. Discuss the constitutional evolution of national commission for ST’s. Also mention the functions of the commission.

DMPQ-Discuss India’s climate change policy and also mention the changes brought in it overtime.

. India’s policy on climate change can be broadly divided into two phases – one in which it strictly adhered to ‘Historical Responsibility’  slogan and the other when it diluted it as it became a bigger economy and bigger polluter. India has  become third largest emitter of GHG in absolute terms only behind China, which … Read more DMPQ-Discuss India’s climate change policy and also mention the changes brought in it overtime.

DMPQ-Trace the events that led to the unification of Italy.

Carbonari, a secret society was formed by people to liberate Italy from clutches of foreigners.  Rulers of Naples and Piedmont also encouraged liberal tendencies. But these efforts were curbed  by Metternich. French revolutions of 1830 and 1848 sparked feelings of liberation, but the smaller states  couldn’t coordinate and Austria again suppressed movements and movement was … Read more DMPQ-Trace the events that led to the unification of Italy.

DMPQ-What is hydroponics? Mention the important factors necessary for successful practice of hydroponics.

Hydroponics, or growing plants in a nutrient solution root medium, is a growing area of commercial food production and also is used for home food production by hobbyists. Learn about the state-of-the-art techniques for producing food in a controlled, soilless setting. Major factors to ensure the successful hydroponics practice are as follows: Ensuring water quality … Read more DMPQ-What is hydroponics? Mention the important factors necessary for successful practice of hydroponics.

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